Horticulture Science

  • Kelly Ballantyne Instructor



    Grade level 11-12. May be taken 2 times with a grade of "B" or better to advance. AM and PM sessions offered


    Why take this course?

    • Work collaboratively to build our local food system
    • Run a plant small business
    • Grow food hydroponically
    • Plant and maintain fruit orchards
    • Landscape design and project management
    • Learn about composting outdoors and with worms
    • Manage fish aquariums as part of an aquaculture system



    Farm and Food will be an adventure in the Alaska food system.  We'll be covering traditional agriculture as well as unique Alaskan parts including wild harvesting greens, medicines and berries as well as subsistence hunting and fishing.  We'll be growing food in hydroponics using aquarium fish for fertilizer in our aquaponic system.  We manage multiple orchard and food forest sites growing tree fruit, mushrooms and berries all around the King Tech campus.  

    Every semester students study botany basics including: propagation, soils, nutrients, lighting as well as modules on hydroponics, wild harvesting, composting, weather and GPS.

    Fall semester will include modules on project management, hunting, mushrooms and food preservation. 

    Spring semester will include modules on fishing, birch tapping, entrepreneurship and culminate with students running a plant sale.

    ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps also visit local sites to gain knowledge in area educational and employment opportunities.



    Credits and Certifications

     .5 Life Science

    1.0 Elective


    Horticulture Video Promo 


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