Career and Work Readiness

  • Dayna Durr - Instructor


    Grade Level 10-12.


    Why take this course?

    • Develop the skills to get and keep a job of your choice
    • Plan and explore your career
    • Examine your willingness to try new tasks and be open to new ideas


    A student must have IEP

    The Digital Literacy and Work Readiness Program are for students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) who are ready to begin the process of transition from school to work/career. Being "work ready" requires preparation, practice, exploration, and work experience in order to be successful in reaching their employment and vocational goals. Preparing for a career requires the knowledge of the students' interests and aptitudes, as well as the safe use of social media as it relates to employment.

    Successful students must be willing to explore careers both at King Tech and through research, participate in the class business, dress professionally on Wednesdays and work to improve their skills (work/social) throughout the semester. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will complete an employment portfolio, resume, career research, formal interview, and create other documents necessary for the job search and employment. Additional activities include transition planning, introduction to scholarships/grants, and access to related community agencies.

    This class is designed to prepare the student to become competitively employed, seek and apply for training through college, vocational training, apprenticeships, or on-the-job training programs. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps can earn basic certifications to assist with employment. Food Workers card, Safety Training, and Customer Service Training. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will become familiar with related agencies such as DVR and the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, both of which can assist them with the transition from high school to post-secondary options.



    Credits and Certifications

    .5 English 9-12

    .5 Pre-Vocational Ed.9-12

    .5 Work Experience 9-12

    Career and Work Readiness Video Promo 

     The Career Tree strategy and classroom tool is a game-changing approach to spark student dialogue about what's possible in their careers and how to get there. King Tech uses this tool to help ensure a positive outcome and make a difference for students and community.

    Career Readiness Career Tree




  • Career and Work Readiness