• King Tech has advisory committees for every course. An advisory committee is a group of individuals selected by the program to advise the program regarding educational needs and activities. The membership comes from outside King Tech and consists of persons who:

    • are interested in career and/or technical education
    • have specialized knowledge and experience
    • represent business, industry, government and/or the military


    Collectively, a committee studies issues, advises and makes recommendations regarding:

    • current job needs
    • the relevance of current programs
    • the reduction or expansion of programs
    • the initiation of new programs
    • financial and legislative support
    • promotion of King Tech programs in the community.


    Committees act in an advisory capacity to King Tech and the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp and provide a strong link to between King Tech and the community.


    If you are interested in serving on an advisory committee for one of our programs, please call 742-8900. Committees meet regularly during the school year, as schedules allow.