• STrEaM 100 Donors for 2024-2025

    This is an annual fundraising event which supports Anchorage STrEaM Academy through mini grants to classrooms, helping to outfit the X-Country Running and Skiing programs and building a Future Facility Fund. Thank you to all our donors! 


    Andranel Brown, Founder

    Whitney D'Atri, Founder


    Here & There Boutique

    Parliament Chiropractic

    Clarion Suites Downtown Anchorage


    The Ahrens Family

    The Bryce and Crystal Akagi Family

    The Arendash Family

    The Blocker Family

    The Dwyer Family

    The Ewers Family

    The Harris-Soosuk Family

    The Johannes Family

    The Kelly Family

    The Koch Family

    The Menah Family

    The Pearl Family

    The Ratcliff Family

    The Samuel Family

    The Zink Family


    Atlas Alberston, Class of 2031

    Abigail Gay, Class of 2030

    Max Lethin, Class of 2031

    Haro Lizer, Class of 2030

    Ella Suozzo, Class of 2029

    Ethan Thai, Class of 2031


    Andrea Allen

    Don Ashley

    Kelly Ballantyne

    Richard Bierer

    Sylvia Biondich

    Brenda Byrd

    Grace Coles

    Nona and Pop Conkling

    Clementine Garland

    Theodore Garland, in Memory

    Erin Lawrence

    Savanna Lethin

    Martha Lojewski

    Sean McGrane

    Evelyn Meneses

    Jen Mickelson

    Principal Adam Mokelke

    Elizabeth Osorio

    Nicole Perry

    Elizabeth Rawlins

    Kathrin Sangster

    Rebecca Stovall

    Holly Wells

    Emily Wesley

    Leah Godoy and AJ Wilson