- Anchorage STrEaM Academy
- About STrEaM Academy
About STrEaM Academy
Our Mission
Anchorage STrEaM Academy empowers students to be involved learners, critical thinkers and engaged citizens who are inspired by the natural world.
Our Core Values
Anchorage STrEaM Academy
- Provides a quality project based interdisciplinary education based on STEM initiatives;
- Promotes ecological literacy and stewardship in our students;
- Connects and engages our community of stakeholders;
- Fosters place-based education and awareness;
- Develops an appreciation for experiencing the outdoors and facilitates outdoor education;
- Incorporates purposeful use of technology.
Our Purpose of the Program
Anchorage STrEaM Academy will support students in developing the skills necessary to meet or exceed national, state and local standards. Our students will become positive contributing members of society who:
- have experience partnering with the local community;
- have built a strong foundation for career readiness;
- understand the strengths and limitations of technology;
- realize that learning continues outside the classroom;
- are defining their role in creating a more sustainable future;
- recognize the interconnectedness and relevance of all disciplines.
What you need to learn about ASA
Official YouTube feed of Principal Mokelke and Anchorage STrEaM Academy@principaladammokelke2691/featured
Anchorage STrEaM Academy, an ASD Charter School
ASA is a (lottery) charter middle school, serving approximately 180-190 students in grades 6,7,8. We are a project-based, STEM focused, outdoor experiential education school. These three pillars could easily singularly be a mission for any school, but we combine all three for a unique learning experience.Weekly Schedule:M: 8:30 am - 3:30 pmT: 8:30 am - 3:30 pmW: 8:30 am - 12:30 pmTh: 8:30 am - 3:30 pmF: 8:30 am - 3:30 pmWe have a Block Schedule model. Every full-time student meets 7 classes Monday and Friday and 4 classes Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday is reserved for Projects, where they officially meet in their Advisory Class and then move to a variety of locations to receive specific directions and have time to work collaboratively with their peers. Every class, every day, will be outside for at least a portion of the class period, if not the whole period. We make an exception only if the temperature drops below -20*F, or the ice poses an extreme hazard. We go outside in every other weather situation, including rain, sleet, snow, sun and wind. It is critical that your family agrees to this learning style, as we cannot have students remain inside when the class is instructed outside.As a small charter school, we do not have a bus service, and we also do not have a cafeteria. We are a brown bag lunch school.We are planning to serve between 170 and 190 students next year. We have a staff, including our Principal, one Assistant Principal, two front office clerks, one Counselor, one Teacher Assistant and thirteen Expert Teachers. By our charter, we have small class sizes (23 is a large class)We have a small, but extremely effective Special Education Department.Every class is taught at the gifted level, and we use Mastery Grading to evaluate student learning. We have found that if you have high structure and high expectations, students will achieve the highest level. Our goal is to have every student enter high school at the highest math level possible with a solid understanding of algebra and having completed or at least have a solid foundation in geometry. However, we DO NOT PUSH students through classes. It is essential that they have a solid foundation in mathematics to be successful in high school.Sample 6th Grade Schedule:
Language Arts 6 (year long class)Integrated Science 6 (year long class)Pre-Algebra or Math 6 (year long class)Social Studies 6 (year long class)Advisory 6 (year long class)Science Projects 6-Robotics (year long class)Special (quarter class)Physical Education / Health (year long class)Elective offerings vary by quarter and are determined by the passions of the students and staff.
Electives we have offered in the past include, but not restricted to:
Folk Band Music (taught by an amazing instructor, includes instruction in guitar, mandolin, violin, cello, viola and ukelele. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps also use their voices.)Spanish (this is an introductory class)Outdoor Adventures (skiing, biking, hiking, tracking, wayfinding etc)Archery (we have an indoor archery range)Family & Consumer Science (cooking, sewing, budgeting)Science Special Topics (Microscopic Photography, various biological science topics, etc)Computer Science I, II and IIIMath ArtEnvironmental ArtArt Appreciation and TechniquesRecreational ReadingDanceFirst AideLego MastersAfter School Competitive Sports offered at Anchorage STrEaM Academy:
Fall: Cross Country RunningWinter: Cross Country SkiingAfter School Clubs in the past have included:
Jiu JitsuBoxingArt ClubBattle of the Books (competition level)ChessAfter School clubs are driven by interest of the students, staff and communityWe have plans to add a club for students involved in Scouting to complete badges*TREK - Teaching Research Experiences to Kids (outdoor adventures - half day or full day science field trips aligned with the curriculum)