• Attendance


    Less than 8 is Great!

    Our ANCCS attendance goal is for all students to miss fewer than 8 days of school throughout the school year. 




    ASD's Attendance Policies


    Improving ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Attendance

    • A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. There is a direct correlation between students who attend school regularly and higher academic achievement levels. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps can miss no more than 17 days of school per year. This may seem like a lot, but it's less than two absences per month.


      Excused and unexcused absences

      This  reflects what constitutes an excused absence from school.


      Excused Absences

      The Superintendent or designee may excuse student absences for health reasons, family emergencies, participation in religious activities, or other reasons the Superintendent or designee determines constitute a good cause.


      Unexcused Absences/Truancy

      The School Board is committed to keeping students in school. Truancy is defined as the absence of a student from class without the knowledge or prior consent of the parent/guardian. The Superintendent or designee shall implement all steps appropriate to reduce student absences and to ensure that all children residing within the district are receiving appropriate educational services as required by law.


      Make-up procedures

      If a student misses school, parents are encouraged to work with their child's teacher and principal to determine the appropriate make-up and timeline to complete the work. The district has updated the make-up procedures for class work, assignments and tests. The procedures are outlined in the student handbooks.


      Attendance notifications

      An automated “robocall” attendance phone message goes out to all students in an unexcused absence. Standard practice is for middle and high school calls to go out at the end of the business day. Elementary households will also receive calls, beginning at 11 a.m.


      The recorded attendance notification message is the district’s official parents' notification of an unexcused absence. The attendance notification messages are translated into five of the district’s most common languages besides English.

    Excuse Your Child’s Absence through Q/ParentConnection!

    • There’s a new feature in Q/ParentConnection
      that you can also access from
      the ASD mobile app!


      Look for the Attendance Manager icon
      when you log into the ASD app.



      Parents/guardians can excuse an absence through the ASD App up to three
      days prior and three days after the absence for the following reasons: illness,
      medical, or religious.


      Contact the front office! (907) 742-1370