APC Members

  • Founders




    Academic Policy Committee members are elected by parents and school staff in the spring. However, when vacancies occur, the board votes to fill a seat for the remaining term.

    Officers are voted on by APC members and serve for one year.

    The public is invited to attend any and all APC meetings - agendas are posted at the school a few days prior to the meeting.

    We allow a maximum of 30 minutes in the beginning and end of the meeting for public comment.

    "House rules": The APC reserves the right to ask anyone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol or who uses profanity or addresses anyone in a derogatory way or wishes to speak of staff of ANCCS to leave the meeting with or without finishing their public comment.

APC Subcommittees

  • Family members and elders are an important part of every aspect of the program. We invite anyone to volunteer and/or join a subcommittee. These meetings are open to all interested people.

    Committees are assigned by the APC and meet throughout the year, reporting regularly to the APC. Notices (agendas) are posted in advance at school.

    Current committees are:

    • ByLaws
    • Curriculum/Cultural Connections
    • Fundraising
    • Business Plan/Strategic Planning
    • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Recruitment/Public Relations/Donor Recognition
    • Hiring
    • School Policy/Procedure

    Please contact President Manny Acuna @ acuna_manuel.asdk12.org for more information.



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