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- Attendance
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We know that attending school is important. But did you know that school attendance is a powerful predictor of student outcomes and student success? We can’t teach our students if they don’t come to school! The article linked has tips for parents and educators on strategies to encourage strong attendance and the impact on chronic absenteeism.
For Chugiak High School specific attendance questions, please contact our Attendance Secretary, 907-742-3069. Please reference our for information regarding school start time, blue passes, admit slips, pre-arranged absences and instructions to report your child being absent or late to school.
Tardy Policy
The staff of Chugiak High School believes:
The purpose of a student being on time for class accomplishes the following:
● Minimizes disruption to the learning environment.
● Develops a practical discipline (punctuality) that will be expected in the workforce.
● Demonstrates respect for the people in the community.
● Promotes a culture of academic and vocational integrity.
Promptness to class is expected. Arriving to class late is considered tardy. If it's later than 10 minutes, it
will be considered truant.
Per class, the cumulation of the first four (4) tardies, whether excused or unexcused, have no
consequences outside the classroom. However, the respective classroom teacher can assign
consequences for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tardy. These may include, but are not limited to: a
warning, parent/guardian phone call, or a mandated make-up session.Beginning with the fifth (5th) tardy, consequences are progressive. Consequences for tardiness are
as follows:
● 5th tardy: 1 lunch detention (security assigned)
● 6th tardy: 2 lunch detentions (security assigned)
● 7th tardy: Extended Day Detention - Thursday 3:15-5:15 (security assigned)
● 8th tardy or more: Referral to ܽƵapp Services Principal for additional sanctions.
● 20+ cumulative tardies (among all scheduled classes) : Referral to ܽƵapp Services Principal
for additional sanctions.
If a student misses an assigned work detail, it will be rescheduled along with additional work
detail. If a student misses either of these rescheduled work
details, they will be referred to the ܽƵapp Services Principal.