- Chugiak High School
- ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Health Office
Amy Belmear
School Nurse
PH (907) 742-3151
FAX (907) 742-3153
Welcome to Chugiak High School! Our school health office is open to students from 8:00am-3:30pm Monday through Friday.
The role of a school nurse is to enhance the education process by maximizing the health and well-being of each student. The school nurse works with all building staff and parents/guardians to identify student barriers to learning and to ensure that each child is in the best possible physical and emotional health to benefit from their school experiences.
The school nurse is responsible for maintaining school health records, ensuring immunization compliance, health screening, illness assessment, injury assessment, medication and treatment administration, management of the health needs of students with chronic medical conditions and students that are medically fragile, health and wellness promotion for students and staff, and promotion of a healthy and safe school environment.
Please make sure that an updated health history form is completed for your student when enrolling at Chugiak High School and if the health needs of your child change. It is important to make sure that the school has a current phone number and address in case of student illness or emergency.
The State of Alaska requires immunization compliance for all students attending school. Immunization records are reviewed at the time of registration. Parents/guardians are required to obtain all necessary immunizations for their students. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps ages 14 or 15 usually become due for a 10 year booster of Tdap vaccine. A notice will be sent home when your child is due for this immunization. All religious exemption paperwork is due upon registration and yearly thereafter. If your student receives an immunization, please provide a copy of the record to the health office.
Vision, hearing, weight and height screening are conducted at specific grade levels. Parents/guardians will be notified if further evaluation by a specialist is recommended. A student may be evaluated any time a concern arises.
A tuberculosis risk assessment is required for any new to district student. If your student needs to receive a tuberculosis skin test, it will be provided in the health office.
All medications taken at school must be approved through the health office. Prescription medication administration forms will need to be filled out by a parent and often physician as well. Non prescription medication forms can be completed by a parent. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps should not be carrying medications in school unless approved by the health office/parent and physician.
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Illness and Injury:
If you student becomes ill or injured during the school day, he or she should report the health office. If it is necessary for the student to go home or to the physician, parents will be notified and a blue pass will be issued.
Although we stress good attendance, a student who is ill should remain home. If your student is ill and are unsure if your student should be at school, please call the health office.
If your student develops a health concern or sustains an injury during the school year that could impact his or her educational performance, please notify the nurse.
The school nurse assists students with chronic medical conditions daily. Please follow link to health action plans or medical treatments for chronic medical conditions.
If your child requires special nursing care during the school day, please contact your school nurse. ASD nurses are trained to manage most medical situations. Depending on the circumstances, physician orders and special equipment may be required.
Special Nursing Services/Treatments (i.e. Gastrostomy feeding, catheterization, nebulizer, oxygen, etc.)
Flu Vaccine
The flu vaccine has been offered to students in the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp for the past several years depending on when the vaccine is available from the State of Alaska. Typically the vaccine becomes available in the fall. Please contact the health office if you are interested in a flu vaccine for your student.