Abwesenheit (Absence Guidelines)

  • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps are expected to attend school while in session. However, students may be excused for the following reasons as defined by ASD policy: illness, death or illness in the family, school functions, extenuating circumstances, and religious events. Please note, family vacations and attendance at sporting events are not excused events, even with prior notice. Furthermore, teachers are not required to provide school work before the student is absent or while the student is absent. Instead, students will receive the schoolwork once they return to school. It is unreasonable to add to the teachers workload to prepare academic work days or even weeks prior to the lesson being taught in the classroom so that the student can go on vacation. Below are the expectations for make-up schoolwork once the student has returned to school.

    • Kindergarten - 2nd Grade: No schoolwork is required upon return, students will be excused from assignments and activities.

    • 3rd Grade - 4th Grade: Schoolwork is provided upon for the sake of learning, but teachers are not required to grade this work. Instead, the assignments and activities will be excused.

    • 5th Grade - 8th Grade: Schoolwork is provided upon return and students may be required to complete it as a graded assignment. Teachers may excuse the assignments, but this is the exception, not the expectation.