- Bettye Davis East Anchorage High School
- ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp FAQs
- Absences
- Academic Honor Code
- Book Bags
- Cell Phones / Personal Electronic Devices
- Computer/Internet Use
- Daily Bulletin
- Driving/Parking
- Hall Decorum
- Hall Passes
- False Pass
- Identification Cards
- Lockers
- Lost and Found
- Mediation
- ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Dress
- Tardy Policy
- Tobacco Policy
- Truancy
- Vending Machines
- Visitors
- Weapons Reporting Policy
To excuse an absence send a note with your student on the day they return to school and drop off the note in the attendance office. You may also utilize the absence line to leave a message; (907)742-2169.
Academic Honor Code
Academic honesty is required at all times. Dishonesty in any form, including cheating, copying, giving answers, plagiarism (taking credit for the work of others), copyright violations, false authorship, and theft or pre-examination of tests, is forbidden. Sanctions may include classroom-level discipline by the teacher (such as zero credit for the test or assignment, requirement to resubmit work, zero credit for the class period, and/or parent conference), or by the administration (such as withdrawal/failing from the class, suspension from school, work details, and/or required parent conference), or other appropriate discipline decided by the administration.
Book Bags
All back packs, book bags, gym bags, tote bags, fanny packs, large purses, etc. must remain in students’ hall lockers from their arrival time until students leave the building. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps arriving late to school must bring their bags to their lockers immediately after checking into school at the office. Small purses less than 8" x 10" in size are allowed. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps who do not comply with the book bag rule may be subject to confiscation, parent pick up, work details or suspension.
Cell Phones/Personal Electronic Devices
See ASD BYOD Guidelines in the High School ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Handbook on page I-6. Headphones/Earbuds are to only be used before school, lunch, and after school. The use of both headphones/earbuds is prohibited during passing time.
Continued misuse of individual electronic devices will result in confiscation and parent pick-up on each offense and may result in further disciplinary actions up to and including out-of-school suspension.
Computer/Internet Use
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps are required to complete and adhere to the Internet and Electronic Mail ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Agreement form before access to school computers will be authorized. Inappropriate actions by students may result in loss of computer privileges and/or sanctions. Inappropriate actions include, but may not be limited to, accessing Internet sites/ printing information which may be considered degrading, demeaning, sexual, or derogatory, sending or receiving inappropriate/dangerous mail, etc.
1st Offense—Loss of Internet/computer privileges for 90 days Parent Conference after 90 days
2nd Offense—Loss of Internet/computer privileges for 180 days/ contract for future useFor either the first or subsequent offenses, the student may also be suspended from school, withdrawn/failing from class, recommended for expulsion from school, and/or subject to arrest from APD.
Daily Bulletin
ALL STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INFORMATION IN THE DAILY BULLETIN. Items to be included in the bulletin must be turned into the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Services Office by 11 a.m. on the previous day. Daily Bulletin is posted outside the Activities Office and ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Services.
Driving/ParkingDriving a vehicle to school is a privilege and not a “right’’. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps are expected to adhere to all the laws pertaining to the operation of
vehicles. Failure to do so will result in denial to operate a vehicle on school property and/or vehicle impoundment and tickets.
All vehicles must possess a current parking sticker. The sticker must be attached to the lower part of the front windshield on the driver side and be plainly visible.
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps may receive parking tickets for
Failure to display sticker on driver side of windshield
Improper parking
Driving privileges may be revoked for:
Operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner.
Speeding on school property. (Speed limit is 5 mph)
Pulling between buses.
Reckless driving.
Having restricted materials such as weapons, drugs and
alcohol in the vehicle.
All cars should be locked. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps are not allowed to be in the
parking lot or to sit in parked cars during the school day.
Tickets will be issued for operating/parking infractions on
school property.
In accordance with ASD policy, East High staff will conduct
random car searches. The driver is responsible for any and all items inside the vehicle that violate ASD policy.
Hall Decorum
To facilitate student safety in the halls, students may not stand in halls, against walls, in doorways or other areas that potentially block the flow of traffic. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps who do not comply with these rules are subject to the following sanctions: verbal warning, detentions, work details, parental notification, suspension from school.
Hall PassesAll students in the halls during class time must have a hall pass which identifies the student, the time the student left the classroom, the student’s destination, the date, and the name of the teacher who issued the pass. It is the student’s responsibility to have a hall pass when leaving the classroom. Failure to have a proper hall pass will result in a work detail or detention.
False PassA pass used at a later time or date, a fake pass or writing a false name will result in a suspension.
Identification Cards
Each student is issued an identification card free of charge. You may be required to identify yourself as a student at school activities, athletic events, and at any time on school premises. You are required to show your ID card to check out books from the library or upon request of any member of the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp staff. A lost ID card may be replaced for a fee of $5.00.
LockersLockers are issued from the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Services Office. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps are expected to use only the locker officially assigned to them. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps must understand that lockers are not fully secure and that valuables should not be stored in them. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps who do not have their lockers empty and clean on the designated day will be subject to at least a $10.00 cleaning fee.
Lost and Found
If you find an item, please return it to the Attendance office immediately. Using and/or distributing an item you find will be treated as theft. All items turned into Lost and Found and not claimed will be disposed of after 30 school days. E.C.D.’s are to be taken to ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Services.
To help resolve student conflicts, staff or peer mediation services are available through either ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Services Office or the Counseling Office.
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Dress
Each student shall attend school clothed in a manner which is clean, not hazardous to the safety of self or others, and which does not distract from the required educational environment. Clothing worn by students that is, in the reasonable opinion of the school administration, inappropriate is forbidden. Things not allowed at East include:
Items displaying tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sexual references or profanity.
Sexually provocative or revealing attire (i.e. bare midriff, spaghetti strap tops, low- cut/plunging neckline/revealing tops, tube
tops, halter tops, tank tops, short skirts, or any item showing undergarments.) -
Chains hanging from pockets or spiked necklaces.
The wearing or displaying of color rags or bandannas or any item
displaying the bandana print pattern to include, but not limited
to, shirts, pants, shoes, etc.
Sagging pants (waist must be above the buttocks).
Items displaying confederate flags.
Any items that are gang related or that display gang graffiti.
Headwear is not permitted to be worn in the building. Individuals may request exceptions to this rule for religious reasons.
- Health masks are permitted, but a student's eyes must be visible.
*This list may change or evolve as circumstances dictate. An announcement will be made.
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps who do not comply with the student dress rules are subject to the following sanctions: warning/cover-up/removal, work detail and parent contact, out-of-school suspension.Tardy Policy
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps must be in class, prepared to learn when tardy bell rings. A detention will be assigned for every 6 tardies. Chronic tardies will warrant further discipline actions including work detail, parent conference or in-school suspension.
Tobacco Policy
The use of or possession of tobacco in any form by students on school property is prohibited. Any offense may impose a ticket from the SROs. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp who do not comply with the tobacco policy are subject to the following sanctions:
1st offense – Three work details and parent contact
2nd and subsequent offenses – Out of school suspension
A student with an unexcused absence will be considered truant.
1st offense – work detail
2nd offense – Parent conference/in-school suspension
3rd offense – Parent conference/in-school suspension4th and subsequent offense – out-of-school suspension/parent conference
Vending Machines
Vending machines dispensing snacks and juices are available throughout the building. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps may not use the machines during class time, passing time, or lunch.
Visitations within the school require advance arrangements and approval by the administration. Persons having business with the school should report to the office for proper clearance. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp visitors are not permitted. Parents desiring to visit a class in which their student is enrolled may contact an Administrator in advance and make arrangements to visit.
Weapons Reporting Policy
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps are required to report the presence of a weapon or other dangerous objects or situations on campus or on the school bus. Such reports must be made immediately to any staff member. The identity of the student making reports will be held in confidence. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps who knowingly withhold information are subject to disciplinary action.