- Campbell STEM Elementary
- Overview
Standard 10: Learners demonstrate STEM literacy outcomes that prepare them for the next level of learning and work.
Campbell STEM’s vision is to build a community by creating a positive learning environment that thrives through STEM instruction and prepares students for a continuously changing world. Everything we do at Campbell STEM focuses on providing students with grade-level standards instruction that enriches learning opportunities and prepares them for college and career. The ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp embraces this model as a district starting in elementary school and lasting throughout their educational career.
ASD Board Goal: College and Career Readiness
Beginning with the Freshman Class in September 2020, the percentage of high school students graduating Life Ready as well as College and/or Career Ready will increase from a baseline of TBA% in Spring 2022 to 90% in Spring 2026.
Dress Up Day: College and Career Ready
One of the many ways Campbell STEM tracks student learning is through the use of digital data. Data is recorded from benchmark assessments, progress monitoring, and grade-level common assessments. The data is reviewed in school-wide professional learning communities (PLC) and grade-level data meetings. Teachers and school staff work together to meet the academic needs of all students. A reading intervention known as WIN (What I Need) occurs daily. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp placement in WIN is determined by the grade-level team and is based on the students' data.
Campbell STEM’s staff meet weekly in PLC teams. During the meetings they plan Units of Study and review student progress through data. The overall goal is to assure students are progressing toward mastery and growing academically.
Many classrooms partner to support Reading proficiency and STEM. 6th grade students worked with 1st graders to enhance their understanding of Newton’s Laws of Motion. 3rd and 4th grade students buddy read with Kindergarten students weekly. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps present their STEM learning throughout the year to students in different grades.
Community Partnerships
Campbell STEM has many community partnerships that support student learning. Some community partners such as Home Depot provide supplies for projects and employees to support students working with tools. Other community partners volunteer time and attend school functions occurring during and outside of school.
Other community partners both locally, nationally, and internationally conduct lunch and learn where they share their expertise in their field with students. An Example is Marty Kelsey who works for the National Air and Space Museum producing STEM in 30. He spoke with students about coming up with show ideas, writing, and producing. NOAA demonstrated how they measured the atmosphere at the top of the world, took students on a virtual tour of the facility, and discussed the education required for their jobs.
Example of second grade working with two community partners at once to enhance student learning.
CITC FabLab is a community partner that provides STEM learning opportunities while enhancing cultural awareness. During the Salmon unit FabLab and second grade worked together to learn about subsistence living in Alaska. They created and built ice fishing poles using the Engineer Design Process. The students used their fishing pole designed to go ice fishing. In addition, students worked with another community partner, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to raise salmon from eggs to release in a local river so that they can swim upstream to complete their life cycle. The process is displayed in the school entrance foyer, so all students can learn and be part of the process.
Local High School Partnerships
In addition to business community partners, Campbell STEM partners with the local high schools around Anchorage. High school students come twice a year to Campbell to showcase their area of interest, expand student learning, and get students excited about learning opportunities in high school. These showcases have included some of the following:
Nerds of the North - National High School Robotics Team
East High School Robotics Club
West High School JROTC - Flight simulator, flag folding, and a physical test.
West High School PLTW - Muscles and Bone exploration
Service high school Biomedics
Service High School Wrestling
Engineering and the Engineer Design Process
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps act as engineers to address real world problems. They use the Engineer Design Process to guide them through the process. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps conduct research and begin asking questions, brainstorming, designing, creating, and improving. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps work through the Engineer Design Process, making adjustments and revising as needed.
Science Instruction
Amplify Science has been a resource for science education at Campbell STEM. This resource provides a series of literature-based explorations. Science topics are integrated with math, reading, writing and social studies throughout our students’ day. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps engage in an integrated project based learning within their classrooms to meet the standards of English, math, social studies, science, engineering and digital learning.
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