
  • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps who attend school every day perform better than those students who do not. It is difficult to learn when absent from class or a full day of school. It is the student’s responsibility and the responsibility of parents or guardians to make sure students attend school.


    Notification of Absence

    Please email the attendance line at or log into your parent connect account or call the school at 742-6400 before 10 a.m. on the day the student is absent or send a signed note with the student when they return from school.

    Absences are considered excused ONLY if approved by a parent and are due to:

    1. Illness,
    2. Death or serious illness in the immediate family,
    3. Participation in a school function,
    4. Extenuating circumstances approved by the principal,
    5. Attendance at a religious event.



    Morning Tardiness

    ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps are expected to be in class by 9:30  AM. Please call the school, send a note, or accompany your student into the building if they are late to excuse the absence.


    Closed Campus/Blue Passes

    Mears Middle School is a “closed campus.” This means students are not allowed to leave the campus after they arrive until they are done with their last activity for the day. Leaving the Mears campus during the school day requires parental or guardian permission and an administrator’s approval. Significant behavior consequences may occur if a student leaves without proper permission.

    If a student must leave the building during the school day, the student must bring a written note to the Front Office from their parents or guardian on the day that they need to leave. The office will give the student(s) a “blue pass” to excuse them from class. Families can also call in for a blue pass for a student between 9:00 am to 3:00 pm during school hours. The office will stop taking blue passes at 3:00 pm. If you are emailing the school to get a blue pass for a student(s). All emailed blue pass requests must be emailed 1 hour prior to blue pass pick up time. The parent or guardian may call the attendance office at 742-6400 at least one hour before pick-up for unexpected situations. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will wait in the office until a parent or guardian signs them out.


    Pre-Arranged Absence

    Absences over five days must be arranged in advance using the Prearranged Absence form available in the Front Office, and it can be downloaded below. The form must be completed and turned-in prior to the absence. Regardless of the reason absent, students should arrange ahead of time to make up all missed school work.


    Absences should be excused within three school days of the absence.  For further information on attendance, families can go to the ASD website for the student handbook.