
  • ‌‌‌Hello Kincaid Families!  ‌We know that much of our students' success comes through your involvement. When families are partners in their child's education, the results are better attendance, increased motivation, higher self-esteem, and improved achievement. Please come and visit often. We love having you here!   



    Please call the school at 245-5530 if your child is not attending school for the day.   Parents who do not call before 9:00 a.m. will receive a call and an e-mail from the school district's automated absence system.


    Pre-Planned Absences

    Please let us know at least one week prior to taking your child out of school for any pre-planned absence.  You can email or call the office and let Sandie or Kelly know about any absences.


    Early Pick Up

    Only parents, guardians, or designated Release Contacts (provided on enrollment paperwork) are allowed to pick up a student during school hours. When you sign out your child for the day, the office staff will locate the student and have them sent to the office.  


    Classroom Visits

    Check in at the office to obtain a Visitor's Badge. This allows staff to easily recognize that you are a visitor and that you have checked in at the front office.
    Please contact teachers ahead of time if you wish to visit, assist, or observe in the classroom.
    Please silence cell phones and keep conversations in the hall to a minimum.
    Remember that teachers place a premium on the limited time they have to plan quality lessons and activities. While we encourage parents to confer with teachers as needed and when there are concerns, please keep in mind that the best result is when the conference has been pre-arranged.

    Phone Calls

    School phones are limited to school business or emergencies. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps may be allowed to use the phone in the case of an emergency. Plans for after-school activities or play dates should be discussed at home before the school day.


    If an after-school activity or plan has changed, please call the school before 1:30pm and the office staff will relay the message to your student.