Committed. Accountable. Accessible. Engaged.

  • These are terms a committee of ASD employees used to define the district and its staff. ASD professionals are dedicated to their work and have a passion for the mission to educate all students for success in life. Each day they are entrusted with the community's assets ---its facilities, finances and, most importantly, its children.

    In the , the Anchorage Assembly outlines exactly how employees and officials should maintain the public's trust. This code significantly impacts ASD employees. It addresses gifts, political activities, income sources, and many other important topics.

    All ASD employees should be familiar with the code of ethics as it affects everyone, including parents and families. The resources below summarize aspects of the code most likely to impact ASD staff.

    ASD employees uphold the highest standards of ethical behavior and act as excellent role models for students. Ethics and appropriate behavior go far beyond what is outlined in the Municipal Code of Ethics.

Handbooks, Forms and Training Materials