Eligibility Information

  • Thank you for your interest in the Migrant Education Program. We need to ask a few more questions to help determine eligibility.


    If you answer “Yes” to all 3 of the the following questions, please click on the eligibility screener button below to complete the questionnaire.

  •  1. Within the past three years has anyone in your family engaged in any of the following activities:

    • Commercial fishing or other fishing activities (including shrimping, crabbing, or clamming) for the purpose of producing food for your family’s use and needs or
    • Agriculture (may include berry picking) or
    • Logging (with a logging company) Fish processing (cannery work)


    2. Did the activity require staying overnight away from your residence and outside the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp area for at least 7 nights/8 days over the course of a year?


    3. Is the activity an economic necessity for your family, meaning you need the income, harvest, or catch to meet your household’s basic needs?


  • Once you have completed the eligibility screener, a member of the Migrant Education staff will contact you soon. Because eligibility is determined by seasonal moves and the economic need for those moves in and out of ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp boundaries, our recruiters will be asking for calendar dates as part of the interview. 

    For more information about eligibility, please call 742-4275 or email migrant_office@asdk12.org