Critical Response

      • Crisis Response Team


        The Crisis Response Team consists of qualified Mental Health Professionals trained in conducting & providing psychological triage and support in the event of a crisis event within the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp on a volunteer-basis. Level of response in a crisis situation is determined by District and School Leadership. Individuals on the team are contacted based on the level of need identified.


        Crisis Response Members have the following responsibilities:

        • On-call response to schools that require support during an identified-crisis situation

        • Providing psychological triage by assessing and addressing immediate needs of students & staff

        • Support & collaborate with building-assigned counselors & psychologists

        • Guidance of students and staff through navigating the different emotions and response involved during tragedy

          • Provide immediate, short-term mental health interventions (varying based on impact)

          • Work to return students to their natural support system(s)

        • Assist the school with a follow-up plan

          • Provide referral information for long-term needs by tracking and monitoring students who require more supports

        • Monthly meetings to discuss action plans, after-action reviews, make modifications and recommendations, support the wellness of one another, and identify areas of need.


        The Critical Response & Wellness Coordinator, Director of ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Supports, and Leads will work closely with all involved parties of the crisis response team to ensure care of the caregiver is provided.

      Suicide Prevention and Wellness

      • Suicide Prevention Guidelines

        • - a visual

        Zero Suicide Framework 

        A framework adopted by Alaska’s Department of Early Education and Development, and Behavioral Health Department is being utilized by ASD to provide an outline to support staff, students, families, and community who have been impacted by suicide. ASD is committed to supporting the healthy development of our youth.

        Implementation team - Coming Soon!



        The ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp (ASD) is dedicated to providing a safe and civil learning environment. In collaboration with the Anchorage School Board, we’ve been working on ways to make it easier for students, parents, guardians, and staff members to be informed of all available options for reporting concerns of harassment, intimidation, and bullying, including an option to report concerns anonymously.


        Harassment, intimidation, and bullying disrupt a student's ability to learn and a school's ability to educate.


        Did you know?

        If a student experiences, or another person observes, a student being harassed, intimidated, or bullied, they should report it to their school administrator or through STOPit anonymous reporting. More information may be found on the Reporting Concerns website.


        For additional information, please also see Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying.

      Behavioral Threat Assessments

      • Reporting Information

        If you come across a potential threat, please include the following information when you report it to your school or the Anchorage Police Department (APD):

        • Identify the social media platform where the threat was posted.

        • Record the date, time, and account name.

        • Capture screenshots if available and note any witnesses.

        • Detail the date of the alleged threat, the nature of the threat, and any specific schools or individuals mentioned.

        Important: DO NOT repost threat-related content on social media. Instead, rely on APD and ASD to notify affected parties if a threat is confirmed.

        How to Report Threats:

        • Use STOPiT, ASD’s anonymous reporting tool.

        • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps and parents are always encouraged to report concerns to their teachers or principals.

        • Contact APD immediately for urgent or imminent threats by calling 9-1-1.

        In order to effectively utilize school district and law enforcement resources, we ask parents to monitor their children’s social media accounts to ensure that students report concerns directly to the school or to law enforcement and not repost them on social media or share with classmates.

        We encourage parents to have ongoing conversations with their children about responsible social media use, including:

        • The importance of not sharing or reposting unverified information.

        • Reporting any concerning content directly to adults, school officials, or law enforcement.

        • Understanding that threats, even those made in jest, are serious and can have severe legal consequences.

        Please remember: Threats toward schools, whether intended as a joke or not, are a crime in Alaska and can lead to serious legal consequences for students and adults alike.

        For any questions or concerns, please contact your school.

        When you see something, say something. It makes a difference. Together, we can help keep our schools safe and focused on learning.


        for threat assessments

        Safety is a top priority of the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp. When students make threats of harm to others, a behavioral threat assessment is typically conducted. This involves an investigation of the incident, and may be followed by interviews of the student who made the threat, anyone who witnessed the threat, parent/guardian, and staff/teachers to determine if a support plan is needed, to what extent, and how to connect the student to resources, build connections, and redirect them from a pathway to violence.