Alaska Reads Act

    • Alaska’s Strategic Reading Plan includes six strategic components, all designed to provide support to schools so that all students read at grade level by the end of third grade:


      Strategy 1: Professional Development, including webinar series, in-person courses and the AK Reads symposium

      Strategy 2:
      Evidence-Based Materials, including  and an ELA curriculum adoption initiative

      Strategy 3: 
      Early Learning, including the implementation of the 

      Strategy 4: 
      Frameworks for Success, including professional learning communities and a state-adopted literacy screener

      Strategy 5: 
      Science of Reading Resources, Data and Communication, including launching a reading resources page

      Strategy 6: 
      Teacher Preparation, including supporting professional learning requirements


      ASD will integrate these strategies to support our students and meet the promises of Alaska’s Education Challenge.


      Learn more about the state’s 

Reading FAQs

  • How did we arrive at this curriculum?

  • What are the names of the  curriculums under consideration?

  •  Is the new k-3 reading curriculum a result of the Alaska Reads Act?

  • What is the science of reading?

  • How did the committees narrow down to the  current curriculums we are considering?

  • What is our  baseline for consideration?

  • What should parents know?

  • How soon will the new curriculum be  implemented?



  • AK Reads Act

    Governor Dunleavy signing Alaska Reads Act, photo by Robert DeBerry (ASD)