• Good Evening Wendler Parents,

    Just a few updates as we are well into the start of our 2nd semester of the 2022-23 school year. As we stated at the beginning of this year, the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp has a goal for all our students to be College, Career, and Life Ready (CCL). What this means is we recognize each student will venture on a different path once they graduate high school, but we want to partner with our families in order to make sure that all our students know all the possible career choices. This help our students create a plan that will help them met their goals, whether that be attending college, going straight into the work force, or attending a technical or trade school. We are doing our part to support this goal through our elective choices, hosting JA and a Day here at Wendler, and through a newly formed partnership that the ASD has with the Ford Foundation, which will greatly expand our students CCL experience from year to year.

    Plan To Make Up Snow Closure Days (Jan. 30th – Mar. 9th)

    Starting Jan. 30th, all ASD schools will be adding an extra 30mins to the end of the school day in order to make up for past school closures days. The plan is to keep all school start times the same and add additional 30 mins to the end of our school day (so school for Wendler will start at 8:15am and release at 3:15pm). You will be able to see adjusted bus stop times for student drop-off on Q this Friday, Jan. 27th. Any afterschool sports activities will proceed once students are dismissed from school and will end at 5pm. Our extended school day schedule will once again start on Jan. 30th and will end on Mar. 9th (the last day of 3rd quarter).

    Plan For Any Further Snow/Ice Days (Remote Learning)

    Everyone should’ve received information from the ASD about our districtwide plan for remote learning in case we shut school down due to snow or icy roads. Our plan here for any Remote Learning days is to:

    Teachers’ responsibility:

    Have all of teachers post assignments on Canvas for each class period for that day by 8:15am.

    Teachers will post their office hours and Zoom link on Canvas.

    ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps’ responsibility:

    ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will log onto their teacher’s Canvas shell for that day and complete the stated assignments.

    Please keep in mind that Wendler uses a block schedule and we do not have a 1 - 7 schedule every day.

    It is important for students to bring their chromebooks home with them every day because weather is unpredictable.

    Office Hours:

    • 9am – 10am                Language Arts, Social Studies, Electives
    • 10am – 11am              Math, Science
    • 11am – 12pm              Lunch
    • 12pm – 1pm                Language Arts, Social Studies
    • 1pm – 2pm                  Math, Science, and Electives

    Sped Office Hours:

    • Bjorkman -LA/SS 9-10, 12-1 your Study Skills can join this session
    • Ballas -LA/SS 9-10, 12-1
    • Burns -Math/Sci 10-11, 1-2 your Study Skills can join this session
    •  Markle - 9-10, 1-2
    •  Goozen - 9-10, 1-2
    •  Mitchell - 10-11 and 2-3 and closure work has been sent home 

    Mr. Wilson,

    Principal Wendler Middle School