• Please apply to the CNA Program at AMCS using the AMCS Application page or using these steps.  


    These items must be completed by May 1, 2025:

    • AMCS Application
    • UAA Application 
    • UAA Writing Placement
    • UAA Math Placement


    This will give the advisors and counselors time to help students develop their schedules and register for classes.

    The Application Process


    Step 1: Confirm that you meet the following requirements:


        • You are entering 12th grade (or will be at the beginning of the next semester).
        • Your cumulative grade point average is >2.5
        • You are on track to graduate. 
        • You do not have serious disciplinary or attendance issues.
        • You have up-to-date and current immunization records.

    Step 2: Fill out the

        • Information needed: current, cumulative GPA, personal and parent email address (asdk12.net is not a working email address.)
        • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp and parent should not have the same email address, and students must use their personal email address when applying to both schools. This is important!


    Step 3: Fill out and submit the

        • Information needed before beginning: Social Security Number
        • There is no application fee for applying to UA
        • Within 24–48 hours, students should receive an email from UAA containing their new University of Alaska ID number.
        • UAA Non-Degree Seeking Secondary ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Application

          There is no application fee or deadline for secondary student admission. Applications for the fall semester open January 15 and applications for the spring semester open September 15.

          To apply, complete steps 1-4 now, then wait at least 3 business days before completing the rest of the steps:

          1. Click on the "Apply" button below, scroll to the bottom and select "First time user account creation."
          2. Create your user ID and password and log in.
          3. Select "University of Alaska Anchorage" as the Campus and "Anchorage Middle College" as the Application Type. Then complete all the required application information. Each section must have a check mark before submission. For additional time to complete the application, select Finish Later and return another time. Incomplete applications will be deleted after three days.
          4. To submit your application, click "Application is Complete." After you submit your application, check your email for a confirmation from UAA.
          5. Please allow at least three business days for applications to be processed before completing the next steps.
          6. After your application is processed by UAA, you will receive an email with directions on how to search for UA credentials (UA ID number and username) and set a password at the  site. If you have questions at any point in the ELMO or ID lookup process, contact IT services: 907-786-4646.
          7. The email you receive will also include a link to the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Parent Agreement (SPA), which is a required form for high school students taking university courses. You must have your UA ID number before submitting the SPA.


    Step 4: Receive a confirmation email and directions to schedule or take UAA Placement Tests.

        • Email will be sent after a student is assigned a UA ID number.
        • If a student does not receive a confirmation email, please contact sherwood_beth@asdk12.org


    Step 5: After all parts of your application file are reviewed, you will either receive an offer of acceptance or a denial of admission. 

        • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps may have an opportunity to retake placements or remediate any issues in their application/academic record.
  • AMCS CNA Program Apply Today