• Opportunities for ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps

    In addition to MathCOUNTS Romig has many opportunities, events and projects throughout the year.

    • Model UN - Romig was the first middle school in Anchorage to participate in Model United Nations and is currently the only middle school with full participation. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps research issues and information on the countries of the world and then represent those countries in a general assembly meeting as well as various council meetings. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps learn the complex global connections of our modern world through research, debate, collaboration, and problem solving. Also as a part of Romig’s Model UN, students participate as pages at UAA’s Model UN which includes high school and college students. West High School students and UAA students come back to Romig to help with the middle school Model UN.

    • National History Day - In 8th grade students participate in . This is a nationwide effort to help students with research, critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration, and communication skills. Romig students dive deep into history and present their findings through a variety of media to experts from the community. Many Romig students have gone to state and national levels of competition.
    • Mock Congress – At the end of 8th grade, students participate in a mock U.S. Congress. Each student creates a bill in a special designated committee. When bills pass committee, students debate them in an open Senate or House floor session. Bills that pass the House and Senate get moved to the President to sign. In 2018, Mayor Ethan Berkowitz participated as mock president. 

    • Debate – Romig has a robust debate program. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps are able to take debate as an elective class as well as travel to district competitions four times during the course of the year. In previous years, Romig has placed first in multiple competitions as well as won top individual awards.

    • National Junior Honor Society – National Honor Junior Society recognizes scholastic achievement, service, leadership, and outstanding personal character. Our goal is to provide opportunities for service, leadership, and academic and personal growth.  Over the years, Romig NJHS students have volunteered at school and community events, created Holiday boxes for Romig Families in need over winter break, written and received grants for an anti-bullying campaign, and raised over $40,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society, helping Alaska families where someone has been diagnosed with blood cancers. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps meet monthly and are required to earn 10 hours of community service during the year. In order to apply, students must have a 3.5 GPA for the previous semester.  New students are inducted once a year, in April.

    • Sports - Romig offers all interscholastic sports, including basketball, volleyball, wrestling, cross-country running, cross-country skiing, and track and field. Additionally, we offer weight training, flag football, and NYO as intramural options.

    • Music - Romig offers a robust music program with numerous opportunities to participate both locally and nationally as well as feed into West High School opportunities. We currently over a variety of levels of band, including our Jazz Band which will be traveling to California to compete in the Spring. Many of our orchestra students participate in the Junior Youth Symphony as well and this is well connected to the Romig community.

    • Others - Romig offers all interscholastic sports, including basketball, volleyball, wrestling, cross-country running, cross-country skiing, and track and field. Additionally, we offer weight training, flag football, and NYO as intramural options.

    We also encourage students to participate in traditional school and city-wide events such as the spelling bee, geography bee, Battle of the Books, and Science and Engineering Fair, as well as contests, competitions, and extensions that come up throughout the year.