Behavior Consequences

  • This is a list of common behavior consequences for Clark. This list will help you understand what the requirements for each are. It is not an exhaustive list nor are all used or applied in this order.


    Phone Calls

    Communication between home and school is critical to maintaining a positive learning environment. Staff will attempt to contact parents at home or work to notify them when their student has had difficulty maintaining their behavior at school and to maintain communication. A phone call is usually adequate to correct inappropriate school behavior.


    Classroom/Teacher Sanctions

    All teachers and teams will inform students and their families of the rules for their classroom. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps who do not follow the rules and/or consistently repeat the same infraction leading to disruption of the classroom and learning environment, may receive a variety of consequences. For example, in the repeat of same infraction:

    • 1st offense – Warning
    • 2nd offense - 4th offense – Minor Incident Reports (MIR) completed and verbal redirection
    • 5th offense – MIR completed and phone call home to parent by student/teacher
    • 6th offense and 7th offense – MIR completed and student will be issued a detention, including phone call home to parent by student/assigning teacher
    • 8 offenses or more offenses - Administrator discretion

    Additionally, classroom management strategies will be utilized as appropriate to further support student success including: verbal redirection, reassigned seating, time out, delayed passing time, referral to a team counselor, and/or student/parent conferences.



    If the specific behavior continues, teachers may assign a 30-minute teacher-supervised detention. The teacher will make a phone prior to the students serving the detention. When detentions are assigned by a team, the detention is to be served the next day detentions are assigned (days vary based on grade levels). In all cases, the teacher and student will make a phone call home to the parent together, prior to serving the detention. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will be given a written notice to take to their parents and it is their responsibility to be sure the detention is served. Team assigned detentions are held at twice a week (minimum) during lunch and supervised by a designated teacher. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will eat lunch in the detention room. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps must arrive on time, sit quietly and are not allowed to sleep or put their head down. Work to do or having a book to read is recommended. If a student cannot attend on the day assigned the student will meet with Security before the detention time to reschedule. Detentions are short term consequences and opportunities for conversation regarding specific and reoccurring behaviors.


    Saturday School

    Saturday School is provided to students for additional academic learning and support. The Prevention Intervention Coordinators, in addition to Clark Administration, coordinate this extended learning activity. Dates will be announced to students and found in the monthly newsletter. Times: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.