- Lake Hood Elementary
- Parking
Parking Lot Info
Lake Hood Elementary Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
The safety of our students is a top priority for the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp and Lake Hood Elementary School. During pick up and drop off students are exposed to traffic in our parking lot and around our school. Therefore, the following procedure must be adhered too by all parents, visitors, and staff.
East Parking Lot
- Lane 1 – Parents do not exit the vehicle, but proceed to the student drop off spot, which is just before the cross walk.
- Lane 2 & 3 – Parents park and escort their child to the cross walk, students wait for the crossing guard, walk through the cross walk and onto the side walk in front of the school. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps then go to the cafeteria for breakfast or to the playground and wait for the bell to ring.
- Please do not get out of your car while in Lane 1, walk between cars in lane 1, cross without using the crosswalk, or double park in any lane.
West Parking Lot
- Reserved for buses
- Parents and visitors are prohibited from entering
East Parking Lot
- Lane 1 – Parents do not exit the vehicle, but proceed to the student pick up spot, which is just before the cross walk.
- Lane 2 & 3 – Parents park and walk through the cross walk and over to meet their child on the sidewalk in front of the school. Parent and student then wait for the crossing guard and proceed back to the car by way of the cross walks.
- Please do not get out of your car while in Lane 1, walk between cars in lane 1, cross without using the crosswalk, or double park in any lane.
West Parking Lot
- Reserved for buses
- Parents and visitors are prohibited from entering
- McKenzie Dr. at the back of the school property is not a safe location for pickup and drop off. As a result, please plan to use the above procedures when picking up and dropping off students.
- Please refer to attached map
- Please remember that being in a hurry or inpatient is no reason to risk the safety of our students!
- Please be advised that all violations will be address by school administration and/or Anchorage Police Department!