Arrival & Dismissal Guidelines & Parking Lot Info

  • Traffic Flow Map


    Thank you Ptarmigan families for your patience during pick up and drop off times. Help keep our students safe by following the directions below and in the attached photo:


    Ptarmigan Morning Arrival Guidelines

    • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps should not arrive or be dropped off until 7:40am.   Staff supervision starts at 7:40am.
    • Please follow the Ptarmigan Traffic Flow Arrival and Dismissal route.  See attached Map.
    • Drop students off after the crosswalk at the front of the building. 
    • Please pull as far forward as possible in the drop-off area. 
    • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps exit on the right side (passenger side) onto the sidewalk.  
    • Please stay in the vehicle.  A staff member will assist your child if needed.
    • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will go directly to the outside door of their classroom.
    • Classroom doors will be open from 08:50am to 09:00am on Monday ONLY and 07:50am to 08:00am on Tuesday to Friday.


    Late / Tardy ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps 

    • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps are considered tardy at 09:01 am on Monday ONLY and at 08:01am on Monday to Friday.
    • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will walk through the front office to receive a tardy pass. 
      • There will be an adult in the office to greet tardy students.  Breakfast will be provided until 09:10am on Monday ONLY and 08:10am on Tuesday to Friday. If a student arrives after 09:01 am on Monday and 08:10am on Tuesday to Friday, breakfast will not be given to the student.


    Crossing Guard at Edward Street

    There is a Crossing Guard on duty at the crosswalk on Edward from 08:30am to 08:45am on Monday ONLY and 07:30am on Tuesday to Friday for arrival and from 2:25pm to 2:40pm to dismissal.  If you have students that walk to school and need to cross Edward Street, please have them cross at the crosswalk.  The Crossing Guard will stop traffic and make sure that the students are safe. 


    Ptarmigan Dismissal Guidelines

    • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp dismissal starts at 2:30pm.
    • Follow the Ptarmigan Traffic Flow Arrival and Dismissal Route.  See attached Map.
    • Please follow signage and staff directions.
    • If the parent(s) arrive prior to 2:30pm, wait behind the orange cones at the front of the building crosswalk.  Cars will be released by a staff member once Special Education buses have left.
    • Parents/guardians were issued 2 sets of numbers for students they are picking up. One needs to be displayed on the dashboard by the passenger window or on the rear view mirror. Please let us know if you need more than 2 sets of numbers for people that are on the approved pickup list. If any person doesn't have their numbers, staff will call in the name of the adult to check that they are authorized and approved.
    • Parents are asked to wait in their cars and a staff member will ask for the names of students being picked up. A student's name is radioed to the teacher and the student will be brought to the car.
    • Staff members will direct cars to pull forward so that the maximum number of students may be picked up.  ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will be brought or directed to the vehicle.
    • ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps should enter the vehicle from the sidewalk (passenger side).  If that is not possible, please have your child wait for staff to escort the student to the driver’s side of the vehicle.  This is a safety procedure due to traffic.
    • If a student needs to be picked up early for an appointment between 1:45pm and 2:15pm, please park in the lower parking lot.   The student will need to be signed out from the front office.
    • Please do not park and wait for your student on the left side of the student pick-up area as this creates a safety hazard.