ASD Middle Schools offer music classes as electives. The elective program is divided into two categories: standard and alternative. Standard electives are based on curricula that have been written and approved by the district and are more traditional in nature. They usually have instructors that are specialists in that particular elective area. Alternative electives are special interest electives that provide learning opportunities for students based on student interest, faculty expertise and community involvement. These are courses that are designed and implemented by the school and teaching staff at each school site to support and expand the regular curriculum. Not all classes listed are offered each year or at each particular school. All middle schools do offer some classes in Band, Chorus, and Orchestra.
Standard Electives
Band - Intermediate, Advanced, Jazz
Chorus - Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced
Orchestra - Intermediate I, Intermediate II, Concert
Alternative Electives
Beginning Guitar
Music Exploratory
In 6th grade, students are offered their first elective class: either band or orchestra. 6th Grade Band & Orchestra introduce students to traditional instrumental groups and prepare them for continued study at the middle school level.